Monday, October 16, 2006


ahaha... i'm dreaming.....

not wrong rite? i can't seem to concentrate on the stupid parasitology notes by prof mak joon wah... plus his slides and 2 neoplasia notes to cover... gave up waiting for prof robinson's slides to be up on the I drive... stupid man.. his fri's lecture is not even up yet... call that efficient.. i don't want to tangguh anymore... so borrowed li shun's copy and foto 1st... at least can read a little.. when slides up tmw i will go print again for cleaner notes...

well, been fine of late now... just that studies are seriously getting tougher... and trying my best to keep up in shape.. can't afford to slack... well, study hard this week then next week raya so..... enjoy!!!! planning to have like steamboat dinner at yuen's... just hope everyone can make it lar... so one big family can 'cai cai sek fan'...=P ehehe... ah.. that reminds me to discuss the date of the steamboat tmw... angelene going to seremban by next week... so put this week fri maybe.. just a thought...

anyway... i have to post this cuz i'm sooooo in looooovvvvvveeeeeeeeee wwwwwwiiiiiittttthhhhh

JAY CHOU!!!!! 周杰倫!!!
千里之外.... it's just soooo nice man.... ur new album is real good... he's seriously getting better and better....


AHAHA.... seriously.. i used to think that he's gay... but then after his successful november chopin album and his 一路向北 from Initial D....

周杰倫 rox!!!!!!


i'm not gay thou... but then i just wonder how come he can write fantastic songs.. vincent fong also been doing a great job with the lyrics... and jay's becoming real good in acting especially after his debut movie in Initial D.... man.. guys.. take a look at what jay's capable in his short movie 'Twilight's chapter seven'... my full admiration for him....

i just love to listen to jay's songs... especially when feeling blue... his songs just somehow is real soothing to my ears... and boy... love it ultimately max when i play guitar together lar... sorry to my neighbours but then... seriously that's what i've been doing practically everynite lar... love his songs especially all time favourite 一路向北!

okok... gtg now... works been piling up... shit... then.... my guitar's call is too strong...

see ya folks...=)


Ang3 said...

Yeap!!Jay Chou is the best, better than the rest!Plz buy his album!Support ori one la!!yay!finally i found somebody who Loves Jay!Yahoo!!!

Jay Rox man!

xan-di said...

haha.. don't worry.. if you can't understand parasitology means that you're still normal.. lol.. and i thought microbio and immuno was tough!! argh!! all the best dear..

Jens said...

eh leh... mousy giving comment?
just a thought...=P

eluent said...

hmm.. i thought u were goin to say... U LOVE.........

-tak sangka, jay chou pulak-

*pik Piack*