Wednesday, December 26, 2007


just dropping in to post something.. got about 2 hours before i leave my hse to the airport...


ok la... what else can i say? excited? u bet... and the best of all.. the great escape from the heat in msia.. ahaha...

i wonder how is it like staying in that junk over halong bay... i wonder whether the food there is great or not... and i wonder whether my iron stomach will cease its function and thus having a diarrhoea... *CHOI*!!!!

touch wood that one don't come true...

*i'm leaving on a jet plane, don't noe when i'll be back again*......................................................

till here then folks... merry xmas and a happy new year!!!!!

hugs to all...=)

p/s: to those who hasn't bought a suit for prom, wedding dinner to come, or just for fun want to pakai pakai or keep as spare, G2000 suits are seriously worth a look... it's a little on the high side but it's nice and really can keep for a long time... fashion wise rox!!!

see ya folks!


Philip. said...

Looks like someone has spammed you with a silly diet advert!

Wishing you a happy New Year!

xan-di said...

haha.. looks like the diet might come in useful since you were so piggy in hanoi.. haha!! muax..